How can I stop my dog from licking his paws?

Every spring my dog will constantly lick his paws. What can I do to make him stop?

Scratching and Licking Paws Solution

My Dog Pilot has been scratching and licking his paws. He has seasonal allergies and 2 times of the year are very bad.

He licks so much that he causes a bacterial infection in between his toes. The best thing that we found to do is wash his feet with Selsun Blue or a head and shoulders. That will kill the fungal infection. It works for a while and will give your dog temporary relief.

shared by a Boston Terrier owner

Seasonal Dog Diseases: What Every Owner Should Know

An overview of common seasonal diseases and conditions that affect dogs, with tips on prevention and signs to watch for.

Understanding Dog Health Issues Covered by Pet Insurance

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How can I make homemade dog treats?

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What do I do if my dog has eaten a burr?

While running around outside my dog is always getting burrs in his fur.

Can dew claws grow back?

One of dog's dew claws looks like it's growing back.
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